Home Refurbishment Mistake : Getting In The Way
Being too nosy or interfering too much in someone else’s work can be so irritating and frustrating. Yet we make this same mistake more often. Sometimes you can be the sole reason for delays in your work completion or disturbing the smooth progress. What we actually mean by this is when customers get too much involved in the project going on, it gets disturbing for construction company to make things run smoothly and the results turn out to be not as good as expected in London Location.
When we talk about our customers, what we can say is there are two types of personalities, we can actually categories our customers. The one where customers are happy to delegate and avoid the stress, and the other where customers want control and need to get themselves involved in every decision.
We are notably talking here about the 2nd group, where customers can cause a real problem on a building site for the design and build construction contractors and the site workers with their random questioning sessions and giving unwanted advice. When a project is planned and designed properly from the outset, it is meant to run smoothly in accordance with the given timelines and will need minimal input from the client. While most of the big decisions will already be made by the building contractor and the client will normally just have the fun things to decide on like what color tiles to buy, what wallpaper should go on the feature wall and such other things as their desired color or theme.
However, it is that second group of customers who insist on being involved in every decision that is supposed to be made by Design and Build construction company in London and pop their head up at every corner. We have even witnessed customers taking a holiday from work, just to ensure that they are present on site every day to keep an eye on the progress.
Dealing with such behaviors can cause a lot of problems not only to us as builders but also to the customers. In the first place, these behaviors show a real lack of trust in the building contractor that you have selected. Not only this, it also often ends up in the customers getting too involved in things that they know nothing about.
The question is what makes people become too involved in even those things that they do not have any idea about. Thanks to Google, and the internet that by time has turned to be our best friend and also worst enemy.
The websites are full of forums and self-help guides that make you independent and show how you can build your own house from scratch. Having someone who gains the small amount of knowledge from these websites on the site constantly can cause no end of headaches for the tradesman, suggesting them better ways of doing things and questioning their methods and techniques.
For instance: A client is up for a Loft Conversion in London and has surfed the internet and got a lot of ideas and when he calls the building contractor, he suggests to him all the ways and ideas to get the thing done without having any knowledge about the place, space and the area of his roof. Clients often forget that what they see on the internet is in no way related to their work.
Oftentimes, this notorious behavior can lead the proud building contractors to pack up their tools and walk off site! For there are very few people who may tolerate someone watching over their shoulder when they are working throughout.
This mainly leads to delays on the project. Also the more the customers are on site, the more they may tend to change the design and elements at the last minute which can also lead to additional cost, and further problems down the road as the designs have not been planned and thought through correctly and drawn. This also causes extended delays to the program.
So the best way to tackle this issue is that if you have done your research work, and selected a quality building company and have planned and drawn the project well at an early stage, then all you need is to entrust the building contractor you have chosen to do their job for what you have paid them good money. Get the best Design and Build construction company in London or contact us at Propertize Construction.